This section of my blog is devoted to providing pointers and advice for dental students. I've always enjoyed teaching. I started teaching dental students back when I was a second year dental student, passing along whatever I could to first year students at Nova Southeastern … [Read more...]
ADA Recommends Fluoride Toothpaste for Baby’s First Tooth
Twenty five percent of all children in the United States have had a cavity before entering kindergarten. Unfortunately, many of these cavities remain untreated! In response to this alarming rate of cavities in children, the American Dental Association has updated the … [Read more...]
Are baby teeth important?
"It doesn't matter if baby teeth get cavities, they're going to fall out anyway." Unfortunately for many children, this is a very popular myth among parents. Primary teeth are critical for many reasons. If a child has deep decay in a primary tooth, it could lead to extreme … [Read more...]
Why aren’t you using an electric toothbrush?
I was speaking to a patient the other day about electric toothbrushes. He told me, "I used to have one of those battery powered ones, I didn't like it,". I didn't blame him. I never liked those things, either! I picked up a Sonicare DiamondClean, handed it to him, and had … [Read more...]
When should my child have his/her first dental visit?
Parents frequently ask me, "When should my child have his/her first dental visit?" When I tell them I like to have the first visit at 6 months of age, the typical response is a look of shock! The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry suggests that the year one dental visit … [Read more...]